Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy Holidays From The Worm Farm

Wishing you and your family a Happy Holiday Season!  May your New Year be a prosperous one.

Start A Worm Farm Business

If you're searching for a new business or a way to suppliment your income, read "Is Worm Farming Profitable?"  to answer some of the questions you may have.

Check back soon for new posts.

Happy New Year!

Worm Farming For Profit Information

For more worm farming information, please check out my Worm Farm Manual: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Earthworms for Fun and Profit.   Find out other ways to increase your worm farming profits and solve problems.

 If you're thinking about starting a worm farm, this guild shows you how.  Avoid mistakes, save time and money, get off to a good start with this easy to understand, step-by-step guide.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Tips For Worm Farming In Summer

Tips For Worm Farming In Summer

Summer Worm Farming Problems

It's summer and it's hot.   Hot weather brings a special set of problems.  During the winter, your worms became "dormant".  As the temperatures warm up, you worms will wake up and that means you need to wake up, too.

What happens when worms become more active and what do you need to do about it?
  1. The worms start eating more.
  2. The worms start pooping more.
  3. The worms start breeding more.

Here's three things you need to focus on in a worm farm during summer:

1. Worm Bedding

Extra worm activity means you need to up your feed rate, change the bedding more often, and divide  your worms into more beds if you're not selling.

When the weather turns hot, you need to pay special attention to the moisture level of your beds.  Make sure the bedding doesn't dry out, as this will keep the worms cooler.  Generally, you keep the bedding moisture (but not too moist!) in summer versus dryer (but not too dry!) in the winter.

2. Bedding Moisture

If the bedding gets too dry and the heat goes up, your worms will either crawl away or die.  So, needless to say, never let your bedding get too dry  in the summer.

Remember, it the humidity is high, you'll need to water less.  If the humidity is low, you need to water more.  Monitor your worm bed either by "feel" (this develops over time) by running your hands through the bedding every day (several times a day if possible).  Use a meter to gauge the moisture level until you develop the "feel".

3. Worm Breeding

When the weather is warmer, the worms are breeding and laying eggs.  Take advantage of this situation and make sure you're providing abundant food during this time.  Be on the lookout for hatchlings, so you don't damage them when you go into the bedding.  They are very vulnerable during this time.

Tip:  Don't handle worm egg capsules with your bare hands.  The oil on your hands will render the capsules useless.

Keep your worms (and yourself) cool this summer and get ready for the abundant future worm crop.

Get More Worm Farming Tips

How to start a successful worm farm with my worm farm manual.
For a step-by-step guide to worm farming in the summer or any time of year, check out my  Worm Farm Manual: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Earthworms for Fun and Profit.  

It's not rocket science, but worm farming does require a certain amount of know-how.  With the right knowledge, you can save time and money as you build your own home based business.

 Avoid costly mistakes, have all the worm growing secrets right at your finger tips.  Start making money quickly and get started on the right track today.  Order your download or hard-copy now.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Products From Worm Farming

Products From Worm Farming

Making A Living Worm Farming

If you're considering starting a worm farm as a home based business,  here is a list of the products that you can sell (including worms, of course):
  1. Worm Egg Capsules or Cocoons
  2.  Worms
  3. Worm Castings
  4. Garden Culture
  5. Vermicompost
This post deals with vermicompost, something you'll have a whole lot of  once you start raising worms.


What, you may ask, is the difference between compost and vermi-compost? "Compost is a dark, crumbly, earthy-smelling mixture that consists mostly of decayed organic matter."  It is a rich, natural fertilizer, teeming with microbes.  Vermi-compost is merely compost created using earthworms but has the added benefit of containing vermi-cast (worm castings or poo.)

Needless to say, vermicompost is more potent and therefore more vaulaable than simple compost. Most everyone can compost they're leaves, clippings and vegetable clipping.  Few people know how to vermi-compost.  That's where you come in.

As you grow worms, you create (or, rather,  your worms create)  literally tons of this stuff.  When you've used all you can and have the most lush landscape in your county,  it's time to start selling it to other gardeners and horticulturists.

Vermicompst vs. Garden Culture

As described in the previous post in this series, Garden Culture is vermi-compost in which there are a significant amount a worms and worm capsules present.  If you have a thriving worm selling business, you probably want to extract every last worm and worm capsule (egg) of your used bedding and sell just this vermi-compost.

Vermicompost vs. Worm Castings

Vermicompost is good, worm castings are Grrre-At!  This series' five subjects are listed from the most vaulable worm farming commodity to the least valuable.  Therefore, your pricing should reflect this.

Vermicompost is an excellent worm farming by-product to sell locally, but because of it's weight and lower price, it's not a product that sells very well online.  The shipping is just too expensive.  But, you should be able to sell all you have to local farmers, landscapers, home gardeners, etc.

Worms Are Money Machines

From the sale of your  vermi-compost and/or garden culture, you can probably regain the entire cost of worm bedding, worm food and other expenses plus make a profit.  That's one reason worm farming is such a great business.  It's not only eco-friendly, but everything you put into it (and everything the worms put out) turns into money.

Ready To Start Your Own Worm "Money Machine"?

How to start a successful worm farm with my worm farm manual.
For a step-by-step guide to starting your own worm farming business, check out my Worm Farm Manual: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Earthworms for Fun and Profit.  

It's not rock science, but worm farming does require a certain amount of know-how.  With the right knowledge, you can save time and money as you build your own home based business.

 Avoid costly mistakes, have all the worm growing secrets right at your finger tips.  Start making money quickly and get started on the right track today.  Order your download or hard-copy now.